The Red One on The Road

Newsletter No. 6
Saturday, June 15, 2019

This is a big update! Please click on the links in the items below to learn more:

  1. Riding the Red One in Pennsylvania: This week, I rode the Red One over 155 miles up hill and down dale in western Pennsylvania at the AMCA Allegheny Chapter National Road Run based in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. Thanks to Richard Spagnolli, his family, and the Allegheny Chapter for making this possible. The YouTube video has all the details of my fun and games with the Red One.
  2. The sales of my new book, Across America by Motor-Cycle – Fully Annotated Centennial Edition, seem to be chugging right along. A few days ago, it was the #1 release in Motorcycles on I recently approved the eBook version which you will be able to find soon on, iTunes, etc. For the latest (and for info on where to get the current book) keep an eye on the Books page:
  3. Reviews needed! If you’ve bought the new book on or elsewhere, please consider posting a review! People like hearing what others think when they are considering purchasing. The same goes for audiobooks. Even though my audiobook production of the 1922 classic was completed in February, it was still the #3 New Release in Motorcycle History on a week ago. If you have purchased my new book and would like to listen to the full audiobook and would consider writing a review, please email me and I will send you a free code to download the full audiobook via or I only have a limited number of these promotional codes, so don’t delay!
  4. Media interest is taking off! I have completed six radio and podcast interviews and have ten more scheduled for next week alone. Most of these are live interviews at stations around the country, but you can listen to many of them via streaming services. I have the complete list of upcoming interviews (with links to the recording or live stream, when available) on the news and information page of the web site:
  5. New York City Operations: The hotel for operations in New York City will be the Martinique New York on Broadway, 49 W 32nd Street. This is literally just one block away from the hotel where C.K. Shepherd stayed in 1919, the Hotel McAlpin, which is now Herald Towers condominiums. I am awaiting final details before announcing specifics, but we expect to host a reception and book signing at a motorcycle dealership in Brooklyn on the afternoon/evening of July 3rd and I may be departing for California from that same dealership the next morning on the 4th of July. Stay tuned!
  6. Daniels Restaurant in Elkridge, Maryland, is going to be an official refreshment/dinner stop on Saturday, July 6. They are at 5854 Washington Blvd, Elkridge, MD 21075 and have an outdoor open air bar with parking and service that is very “biker friendly” (I should not have to say this, but will anyway: NO COLORS). They have asked for an approximate headcount so they can make this stop a success, so please go to the event Facebook page and RSVP for the event and check if you are (“Interested” or “Going”).
  7. SUPPORT TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED! I thought I had someone lined up to drive my truck pulling my support trailer all the way across, but that has fallen through leaving me to scramble. I do have a driver to Yellow Springs, Ohio, but have lost coverage the rest of the way to San Francisco. If you (or a responsible someone you know) could take a look at the route and see where you could help out, even if only for a few days, and let me know, I would be grateful. Send me an email to and we can discuss from there.

Questions? Comments? Please let me hear from you if there is something you would like to know more about or get involved in some way.

Until next time!


Captain Mark Hunnibell