Newsletter No. 5

May 21, 2019

In This Issue:

  • It's Time! A Call to Action!
  • Blessing of the Bikes
  • The Gory Details
  • The New Book
  • Maps On The Way

It's Time! A Call to Action!

This “little” project seems to be humming along nicely and you tell me you enjoy reading about it, but I need help from you today getting the word out! I would hate to hear from someone who was disappointed to learn about it after I had already ridden through their small town in Missouri or that they would have like to ride along for a leg or two, but they did not hear about it until it was too late to get involved.
So I am asking every recipient of this newsletter to forward it to just (or at least) five friends or groups of friends who you know would be interested (and disappointed to discover it too late). Ask them to go to the web site, sign up for these updates, go to the Facebook page and like the page, visit the YouTube channel and subscribe, and listen to the free Sample of the audiobook. And if they like what they see (or hear), pass it on to five of their friends.
I know C.K. Shepherd was riding solo, a “stranger in a strange land” in 1919, but if I am going to pull this off one hundred years later, I am going to need help, so am making a rare plea for help pushing this to the next level. Besides forwarding this email, you can go to the Facebook page and share this newsletter on your own Facebook page or on the page of a group you’re a member of. Finally, I would love to hear from you about specific places you think I should stop along the route: Museums, cool dining or refreshment spots, excellent vistas, etc. I am going to produce a series of videos soon that show the whole route detail with dates and times, so let me know what you think!

Blessing of the Bikes: On Sunday, May 19, 2019, thousands of other bikers and I attended the 19th Annual Blessing of the Bikes in Xenia, Ohio. While there, thanks to help from Marshall Foiles at Buckminn’s D&D, a Harley-Davidson dealer in Xenia, I got a prime piece of corner real estate in the thick of it where I met hundreds of people and had a chance for substantive conversation with one member of the officiating clergy about my ride and, just as rain was moving in, the Red One was personally blessed by a priest to help ensure safe travels and protect me on my way.

The Gory Details: The day before, Saturday, May 18, 2019, I attended to a few outstanding mechanical issues on The Red One so that I could start and run it the next day. If you’ve been paying attention, you will know that (a) my kickstarter is mis-aligned and unusable until I get a custom flange machined, (b) an inspection plate on the case came loose at Oley spilling oil onto the exhaust pipe, and (c) my gas caps were venting fuel onto the gas tank, wrecking my nice paint! Although I am still waiting for the custom flange (should arrive in days), I was able to seal up the inspection plate and modify my gas caps to vent without spilling gas. The one-minute video quickly illustrates these issues. As a result, I was able to start and run the Red One at the Blessing of the Bikes!

Across America by Motorcycle - Fully Annotated Centennial Edition
The New Book: Across America by Motorcycle - Fully Annotated Centennial Edition: Although the official publication date is June 4, 2019, my new book is available for pre-order on but also, if you prefer, on This is your chance to jump to the head of the line and receive your very own copy the moment it drops. If you make it out to one of my many stops across the country this summer, I will gladly autograph it for you.
Also, my earlier reproductions of the 1922 classic Across-America by Motor-Cycle are still available on, but now has them buried with dozens of other knockoffs, so they are sometimes hard to find. Be careful when clicking! Look for “Remastered and Reset” in the title to ensure you’re getting the genuine items that I produced. The Books page on the web site has the links direct to the “Remastered and Reset” versions including paperback, Kindle, and audiobook (the links on each of these words in this newsletter will take you there as well).
Maps On The Way: I am hearing that the general route map on the web and the daily leg itinerary on the web site are not enough for people to determine if I am coming through their own or a town nearby or when, so I am working on developing a more detailed image and also a series of Google maps. I think I will have the new image done in a few days, and should be able to link to the Google maps in the next 10 days, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you want to know if I am coming through and when, just email me and I will look it up and let you know.

Questions? Comments? Please let me hear from you if there is something you would like to know more about or get involved in some way.

Until next time!


Captain Mark Hunnibell